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Mountain Range


Submission Guidelines

Innaugural issue 2025.

Currently, we are accepting submissions for publishing and writing focused research articles for genre fiction that will be peer-reviewed. 

We are also seeking articles featuring field research, interviews, first-person essays, studies of publishing and writing (from a historical, contemporary, and futuristic lense), reviews and/or analysis of: books for writers, films (such as documentaries on writers or fictionalized portrayals of writers), recordings (such as audiobooks, podcasts, video blogs, etc.), blogs, events, and other resources pertaining to writing and publishing.


We do not accept manuscripts, photographs, or other images that are primarily AI generated with little to no effort by the creator.  

Researched pieces should be between 8-12k with citations. 

We are peer reviewed; therefore, your work will be sent out to authors to offer reccomendations regarding revisions, acceptance, etc. prior to being published. 

Ready to begin?

Step 1: Send a query to Tonya Nagle, PhD at with the subject: Query Evergreen Journal

Include the proposed title and brief summary of your submission. No more than 2 paragrpahs. 

Step 2: If your proposal is a good fit, you will submit an anonymized (important for a fair review of the writing) article as a PDF with the article title and your article. 

Step 3: If there are no revision suggestions, or you are willing to make the revision suggestions, you will submit the final article for inclusion in the journal along with a photo or author logo and brief bio. 


If you would like to review a resource or product you already use as an author, please contact us. We are looking for reviews on items such as books, technology, events, etc. We are ONLY looking for things that work. If you have a negative review, that is NOT the purpose of this section. 

Reviews should be between 800-1200 words. 

If you are submitting a review to be considered in the Journal, please query with the item so we do not have mutliple reviews of the same product. If you are an affiliate, please do not submit a review. 

If you would like to have your author resources reviewed, please contact Tonya for more information at subject: Would Like A Review of (Item).


If you would like to submit an essay for consideration, please query with the subject: Personal Essay

Content should be writing or publishing related, able to be fact checked, and about you. First person essays should be between 800-2500 words. 


Please send interview proposal to If accepted, you will send the transcript, permission statement, and bio for both interviewer and interviewee(s). These should be between 1-8k and focused on the writing and/or publishing journey of the person being interviewed. 

Note: We do not hold copyright over your individual work and you may publish it in more than one place. You will not be paid per word or per article. If printed, you will recieve two copies of the journal for your contribution. The Journal will be published digitally and the cost used as a fundraising effort for Evergreen Author Resources.

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Thanks for submitting!

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